Keller America: Hazardous Area Location Products Approval

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Keller America: Hazardous Area Location Products Approval

This is about a product update for one of our Manufacturers:

KELLER America is pleased to announce that our they have just received Hazardous Area Location approval for three key level transmitter solutions; LevalGage submersible, LevelRat non-fouling submersible level transmitter, and Valueline threaded pressure transmitter. These transmitters with 4-20mA output now carry the UL/cUL Intrinsically Safe approvals for installation in hazardous areas with the following classifications:

  • Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D
  • Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D
  • Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, and G
  • Class III

More information is available for product data sheets on Keller America’s website:

Please contact I & C Sales North if you would like a quote, to discuss an application, or to place an order for a Keller America pressure/level solution.

Thank you for your time and consideration.